
免费学前教育 Available Now in uedbet官网ISD

Great Start Readiness Program Classrooms
Children must turn 4 by December 1

密歇根州大急流城. – Great Start Readiness Program has openings now for free high-quality preschool for families of children who turn 4 by December 1.  Enrollment for this school year is open now and continues as long as spots in classrooms are available.

Families can enroll their four-year-old children in full-day preschool classrooms throughout the area. Most locations offer preschool Monday through Thursday, 今年秋天的新产品, some Great Start Readiness Program classrooms are offering preschool on Fridays, 太. Families interested in the five-day option must call Great Start Readiness Program at 616-447-2409 to find locations where this option is available.

“入学费用可负担, high-quality preschool is one of the best ways to prepare children for success in school and life,阿什利·卡斯滕说, Director of 儿童早期 at uedbet官网ISD. “We are excited to be able to offer Great Start Readiness Program preschool to more families than ever this year and to expand this program to five full days a week in many areas.”

There are many openings now throughout uedbet官网ISD public school districts and in community-based programs such as Childtime, 辅导时间, YMCA and Milestone centers. Families are encouraged to apply and learn more about openings and schedules by contacting Great Start Readiness Program at 616-447-2409 or visiting 7ma8.sandybb.net/early-childhood/great-start-readiness-preschool.  

Please direct media inquiries to Joy Walczak, uedbet官网ISD Communications Specialist at joywalczak@sandybb.net or 906.632.6290.